Training & consulting

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and convincingly. In today’s extremely competitive business environment having any advantage over the competition is essential.

Communication skills are a key factor in sales because sales professionals must ensure that customers understand the products and services offered. Any successful sales leader can tell you that when it comes to improving productivity and effectiveness, communication plays a significant role in success.

Leadership training and employee development


What makes a good leader? The answer varies widely depending on who you ask, but there are traits they do agree on, including personality components and acquired skills. Our leadership training helps leaders fulfil their potential through effective leadership skills such as team building, strategic planning, time management, decision-making, problem solving, negotiation, communication and motivation.

Sales and communication training


Your sales team will learn to:


■ develop an effective selling process step by step;

■ build effective and strong relationships;

■ use questioning and negotiation techniques to sell effectively;

■ gain more self confidence;

■ improve cogency;

■ handle objections;

■ communicate convincingly via telephone.


Az üzlet is színház

Kommunikációs és motivációs képzések Orosz Ákos színművésszel.

A színészi hivatás rendkívül sokrétű felkészültséget igényel. Rengeteg olyan területet érint, ami az üzleti élet különböző szegmenseiben is kiválóan hasznosítható. Ilyen például a kommunikáció, a prezentáció, a váratlan helyzetek kezelése, az improvizáció, vagy akár a jó időzítés és megfelelő felkészülés a maximális teljesítmény elérése érdekében.



Ezen kívül a különböző koncentrációs gyakorlatok, memorizációs gyakorlatok, csapatépítéssel kapcsolatos közösségi játékok és természetesen a különböző élethelyzetek, karakterek modellezése is helyet kap egy színész eszköztárában.

Orosz Ákos, a Vígszínház gyakorló színészeként, nemzetközi és magyar workshopok, továbbképzések állandó résztvevőjeként  (CITIBANK)  (Bankárképző a Maladype színház tagjaként) a magyar tanácsadói piacon szokatlan, újszerű nézőpontból segíti a Sterling Consulting ügyfeleinek fejlődését.


Organizational development


Organizational development is the use of organizational resources dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people to accomplish more successful organizational change and performance. The process of organizational development identifies areas of company operations where change is needed. Each need is analyzed, and the potential effects are projected into a change management plan. The plan outlines the specific ways in which the change will improve company operations, who will be affected by the change and how it can be rolled out efficiently to employees. Without organizational development as part of change management, a company would have a difficult time developing effective change management programmes.


Consulting engineering


■ Operations Management
■ Corporate Strategy
■ Procurement & Supply Chain
■ Manufacturing of Steel Products
■ Construction of Power Lines
■ Construction of Power Plants

Sales development


From a sales perspective, sales development is a formation of how the team reaches their customers with their products or services. Sales development includes how well the marketing materials are used by the sales team, support the questions they ask and the benefits the customers identify. Finally, it is all about how the company interacts with the customer during the buying process and everyday thereafter. Our method provides techniques to develop, or refine a marketing strategy to your clients which help your sales team increase sales efficiency.




Executive development is a critical aspect of all organizations. Coaching is a useful way to develop people’s skills and abilities, and to boost performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. A coaching session typically takes place as a conversation between the coach and the person being coached. In some organizations, coaching is still seen as a corrective tool, used only when things have gone wrong. But in many companies, coaching is considered to be a positive and proven approach to support the development of future leaders for the organization by enhancing their ability for strategic thinking, providing a vision and direction, accelerating change, motivating integrity, and energizing people, teamwork, and partnering, influencing, delivering results, valuing all people, and/or developing people.
The benefits of coaching:
■ Empowers individuals and encourages them to take responsibility.
■ Helps identify solutions to problems.
■ Improves interaction and relationships within the organization.
■ Helps to acquire the ability to motivate employees.
■ Provides a toolkit for employees to make their own decisions, and take action.
■ Leads to improved job performance, motivation and job satisfaction.
■ It makes employees feel valued and improves staff self-confidence.
■ Supports reorganization and restructuring


360 degree feedback


360 degree feedback is an effective way of helping managers and team leaders to understand and measure their team effectiveness of interaction with clients and within the organization.

Aks for your free consultation:

Training & Consulting

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and convincingly. In today’s extremely competitive business environment having any advantage over the competition is essential.

Communication skills are a key factor in sales because sales professionals must ensure that customers understand the products and services offered. Any successful sales leader can tell you that when it comes to improving productivity and effectiveness, communication plays a significant role in success.

Leadership training and employee development

What makes a good leader? The answer varies widely depending on who you ask, but there are traits they do agree on, including personality components and acquired skills. Our leadership training helps leaders fulfil their potential through effective leadership skills such as team building, strategic planning, time management, decision-making, problem solving, negotiation, communication and motivation.

Sales and communication training

Your sales team will learn to:

Organizational development

Organizational development is the use of organizational resources dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people to accomplish more successful organizational change and performance. The process of organizational development identifies areas of company operations where change is needed. Each need is analyzed, and the potential effects are projected into a change management plan. The plan outlines the specific ways in which the change will improve company operations, who will be affected by the change and how it can be rolled out efficiently to employees. Without organizational development as part of change management, a company would have a difficult time developing effective change management programmes.

Consulting engineering

Sales development

From a sales perspective, sales development is a formation of how the team reaches their customers with their products or services. Sales development includes how well the marketing materials are used by the sales team, support the questions they ask and the benefits the customers identify. Finally, it is all about how the company interacts with the customer during the buying process and everyday thereafter. Our method provides techniques to develop, or refine a marketing strategy to your clients which help your sales team increase sales efficiency.

Sales development

From a sales perspective, sales development is a formation of how the team reaches their customers with their products or services. Sales development includes how well the marketing materials are used by the sales team, support the questions they ask and the benefits the customers identify. Finally, it is all about how the company interacts with the customer during the buying process and everyday thereafter. Our method provides techniques to develop, or refine a marketing strategy to your clients which help your sales team increase sales efficiency.


Executive development is a critical aspect of all organizations. Coaching is a useful way to develop people’s skills and abilities, and to boost performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. A coaching session typically takes place as a conversation between the coach and the person being coached. In some organizations, coaching is still seen as a corrective tool, used only when things have gone wrong. But in many companies, coaching is considered to be a positive and proven approach to support the development of future leaders for the organization by enhancing their ability for strategic thinking, providing a vision and direction, accelerating change, motivating integrity, and energizing people, teamwork, and partnering, influencing, delivering results, valuing all people, and/or developing people.

The benefits of coaching:

360 degree feedback

360 degree feedback is an effective way of helping managers and team leaders to understand and measure their team effectiveness of interaction with clients and within the organization.